Women in Medicine

featured article image

I Realized I Wasn't Cut Out For My Dream Job

Elisa Troyer, MD

Sep 4, 2024

Read The Beauty and Horror of Progressarticle image

The Beauty and Horror of Progress

Jennifer Boyle, MD

Aug 1, 2024 Link to The Beauty and Horror of Progress

Read Are Women Physicians in Primary Care Being 'Gaslit'?article image

Are Women Physicians in Primary Care Being 'Gaslit'?

Sonia Singh, MD

Jul 5, 2024 Link to Are Women Physicians in Primary Care Being 'Gaslit'?

Read Why Dr. Allison Cameron is the True Hero of House, MDarticle image

Why Dr. Allison Cameron is the True Hero of House, MD

Sahithi Sharma, MD

Jun 10, 2024 Link to Why Dr. Allison Cameron is the True Hero of House, MD

Read In One Week, I Became a Wife and Doctorarticle image

In One Week, I Became a Wife and Doctor

Amanda Lynn Scott, MD

Jun 10, 2024 Link to In One Week, I Became a Wife and Doctor

Read Women’s Sections of Medical Professional Societies: Self-Segregation or Empowerment?article image

Women’s Sections of Medical Professional Societies: Self-Segregation or Empowerment?

Barbara Lazio, MD, FAANS

May 13, 2024 Link to Women’s Sections of Medical Professional Societies: Self-Segregation or Empowerment?

Read Surgeon and Mother: The Right to Take Care of Ourselvesarticle image

Surgeon and Mother: The Right to Take Care of Ourselves

Danielle Pigneri, MD

May 13, 2024 Link to Surgeon and Mother: The Right to Take Care of Ourselves

Read Why I Operate to Taylor Swiftarticle image

Why I Operate to Taylor Swift

Andrea Lauren Merrill, MD

Apr 29, 2024 Link to Why I Operate to Taylor Swift

Read Why Self-Care is Not Enough in Solving Burnoutarticle image

Why Self-Care is Not Enough in Solving Burnout

Archana Reddy, MD

Apr 15, 2024 Link to Why Self-Care is Not Enough in Solving Burnout

Read I Don’t Want to be a “Badass” Pregnant Surgeonarticle image

I Don’t Want to be a “Badass” Pregnant Surgeon

Mohini Dasari, MD

Apr 15, 2024 Link to I Don’t Want to be a “Badass” Pregnant Surgeon

Read Women Physicians Do More ‘Non-Promotable’ Workarticle image

Women Physicians Do More ‘Non-Promotable’ Work

Carmen Frances K Fong, MD

Apr 15, 2024 Link to Women Physicians Do More ‘Non-Promotable’ Work

Read Medical Trainees Should Be Allowed to Have Children Tooarticle image

Medical Trainees Should Be Allowed to Have Children Too

Alexandra Ellen Richards DNP, MS3

Mar 18, 2024 Link to Medical Trainees Should Be Allowed to Have Children Too

Read What a Infertility Specialist Would Tell Young Women in Medicinearticle image

What a Infertility Specialist Would Tell Young Women in Medicine


Mar 18, 2024 Link to What a Infertility Specialist Would Tell Young Women in Medicine

Read Do Women in Medicine Spend Too Much Time on Nonpromotable Tasks?article image

Do Women in Medicine Spend Too Much Time on Nonpromotable Tasks?

Abraham Kim and 1 other

Jan 22, 2024 Link to Do Women in Medicine Spend Too Much Time on Nonpromotable Tasks?

Read A Tale of Two Countries: Gender Equality in Medicinearticle image

A Tale of Two Countries: Gender Equality in Medicine

Jenny Jones, MD

Dec 14, 2023 Link to A Tale of Two Countries: Gender Equality in Medicine

Read What We Aren’t Supposed to Admit As Women in Medicinearticle image

What We Aren’t Supposed to Admit As Women in Medicine

Kimberly Clare, MD

Nov 27, 2023 Link to What We Aren’t Supposed to Admit As Women in Medicine

Read How Dr. Anita Gupta Uses the Wisdom of Powerful Women to Guide Her Journey in Medicinearticle image

How Dr. Anita Gupta Uses the Wisdom of Powerful Women to Guide Her Journey in Medicine

Suzanne Baga, MA, RRT

Nov 27, 2023 Link to How Dr. Anita Gupta Uses the Wisdom of Powerful Women to Guide Her Journey in Medicine

Read The Costly Side of Fertility for Female Physiciansarticle image

The Costly Side of Fertility for Female Physicians

Cagla Unal

Oct 30, 2023 Link to The Costly Side of Fertility for Female Physicians

Read The Heavy Shadow of Impostor Syndromearticle image

The Heavy Shadow of Impostor Syndrome

Christina Brown, MD

Oct 30, 2023 Link to The Heavy Shadow of Impostor Syndrome

Read An Rx for Reproductive Life Planning article image

An Rx for Reproductive Life Planning

Maryam Bolouri and 1 other

Oct 30, 2023 Link to An Rx for Reproductive Life Planning

Read Potholes We Need to Fix: Examining the Bumpy Road of a Woman in Medicinearticle image

Potholes We Need to Fix: Examining the Bumpy Road of a Woman in Medicine

Jennifer Boyle, MD

Oct 30, 2023 Link to Potholes We Need to Fix: Examining the Bumpy Road of a Woman in Medicine

Read The Child in the Waiting Room and My Maybe-Someday Childarticle image

The Child in the Waiting Room and My Maybe-Someday Child

Maya Sorini, MS

Oct 9, 2023 Link to The Child in the Waiting Room and My Maybe-Someday Child