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How Philanthropy Can be a Part of Your Medical Story

M Eugene Sherman, MD

Apr 15, 2024

Read Why You Should Care About Your Patient's Trasharticle image

Why You Should Care About Your Patient's Trash

Stephanie Wottrich, MD

Apr 15, 2024 Link to Why You Should Care About Your Patient's Trash

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'I Don't Like Doctors'

Alyssa Lambrecht

Apr 11, 2024 Link to 'I Don't Like Doctors'

Read How a Physician’s Personal Loss Helped Her Reframe the Lens of Griefarticle image

How a Physician’s Personal Loss Helped Her Reframe the Lens of Grief

Giulia Faison, MD

Apr 10, 2024 Link to How a Physician’s Personal Loss Helped Her Reframe the Lens of Grief

Read Top 10 of the Most and Least Frugal Things This Doctor Doesarticle image

Top 10 of the Most and Least Frugal Things This Doctor Does

Jordan Frey, MD

Apr 9, 2024 Link to Top 10 of the Most and Least Frugal Things This Doctor Does

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The Pelvic Floor Is Often Ignored

Carmen Frances K Fong, MD

Apr 9, 2024 Link to The Pelvic Floor Is Often Ignored

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Why Aren't Pharmacies Filling My Patient's Life-Saving Medication?

Lauren H. Grawert, MD

Apr 8, 2024 Link to Why Aren't Pharmacies Filling My Patient's Life-Saving Medication?

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The Dangers of Compounded Obesity Medications

Joseph Philip Zucchi, PA

Apr 8, 2024 Link to The Dangers of Compounded Obesity Medications

Read A Plea From a PCP: Please Don’t Minimize My Expertisearticle image

A Plea From a PCP: Please Don’t Minimize My Expertise

Melissa Schiffman, MD

Apr 8, 2024 Link to A Plea From a PCP: Please Don’t Minimize My Expertise

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Medicine Can Be Difficult to Explain. That’s What I Love About It

Alexander Yahanda, MD

Apr 8, 2024 Link to Medicine Can Be Difficult to Explain. That’s What I Love About It

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Should Interns “Drown a Little” Too?


Apr 4, 2024 Link to Should Interns “Drown a Little” Too?

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MD, MPH, MBA, and PhD: How My Degrees Have Informed My Practice

Lisa Belisle, MD

Apr 3, 2024 Link to MD, MPH, MBA, and PhD: How My Degrees Have Informed My Practice

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Physicians Need Joy, Too: On Hobbies and the Creative Life

Mallory Grove, MD

Apr 3, 2024 Link to Physicians Need Joy, Too: On Hobbies and the Creative Life

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Should Physicians Wear a White Coat? It Depends on Who You Ask

Vincent Myers, MS

Apr 1, 2024 Link to Should Physicians Wear a White Coat? It Depends on Who You Ask

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I Don't Dread Giving Bad News

Christina Pike McDonald, MD

Apr 1, 2024 Link to I Don't Dread Giving Bad News

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What Doctors Can Learn from the NFL

Gregory Charlop, MD

Apr 1, 2024 Link to What Doctors Can Learn from the NFL

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From Textbook Medicine to Bedside Reality

Lachlan Shiver

Apr 1, 2024 Link to From Textbook Medicine to Bedside Reality

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The Case for Bringing Care to Patients

Ashkan Habib, MD

Mar 29, 2024 Link to The Case for Bringing Care to Patients

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What’s the ICD-10 Code for Moral Injury?

Jenny Jones, MD

Mar 28, 2024 Link to What’s the ICD-10 Code for Moral Injury?

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An Apology Is Not a Career Ender

Soubhana Asif

Mar 27, 2024 Link to An Apology Is Not a Career Ender

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An Amazonian Evacuation

Jenny Jones, MD

Mar 26, 2024 Link to An Amazonian Evacuation

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SCVS 2024: Benefits of Private Practice

Shivik Kiran Patel, MD

Mar 25, 2024 Link to SCVS 2024: Benefits of Private Practice