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“What Am I Doing with My Life?” That Is the Question

Cameron Todd

May 22, 2018

Read A Life-Changing Journeyarticle image

A Life-Changing Journey

Theodore Schoenfeldt, MD

May 22, 2018 Link to A Life-Changing Journey

Read The Patient I Liked the Least Needed Me the Mostarticle image

The Patient I Liked the Least Needed Me the Most

Theresa Williamson, MD

May 22, 2018 Link to The Patient I Liked the Least Needed Me the Most

Read A Costly Marriage and an Expensive Divorce. I’ve Made Every Financial Mistake in the Bookarticle image

A Costly Marriage and an Expensive Divorce. I’ve Made Every Financial Mistake in the Book


May 22, 2018 Link to A Costly Marriage and an Expensive Divorce. I’ve Made Every Financial Mistake in the Book

Read My Father's Cancer Makes Me Sure Prevention Is the Curearticle image

My Father's Cancer Makes Me Sure Prevention Is the Cure

Natalie Davis, MD

May 22, 2018 Link to My Father's Cancer Makes Me Sure Prevention Is the Cure

Read Disorders Update on the Genetics of Diabetes Insipidus and Related Disordersarticle image

Disorders Update on the Genetics of Diabetes Insipidus and Related Disorders

Constatin Stratakis, MD

May 21, 2018 Link to Disorders Update on the Genetics of Diabetes Insipidus and Related Disorders

Read 27th Annual AACE Scientific and Clinical Congress: Charting the Futurearticle image

27th Annual AACE Scientific and Clinical Congress: Charting the Future

Gregory Dodell, MD FACE

May 21, 2018 Link to 27th Annual AACE Scientific and Clinical Congress: Charting the Future

Read Effective Use of Meal Replacements for Very Low-Calorie Dietsarticle image

Effective Use of Meal Replacements for Very Low-Calorie Diets

Scott Isaacs, MD F.A.C.P., F.A.C.E.

May 21, 2018 Link to Effective Use of Meal Replacements for Very Low-Calorie Diets

Read What’s Trending in Urgent Care: Tweets from UCAOA 2018article image

What’s Trending in Urgent Care: Tweets from UCAOA 2018


May 21, 2018 Link to What’s Trending in Urgent Care: Tweets from UCAOA 2018

Read Tweets from AACE 2018article image

Tweets from AACE 2018


May 21, 2018 Link to Tweets from AACE 2018

Read The Eyes Which Asked to Livearticle image

The Eyes Which Asked to Live

Surabhi Batra, MD

May 21, 2018 Link to The Eyes Which Asked to Live

Read How Playing Boy’s Little League Baseball Prepared Me for a Career as a Doctorarticle image

How Playing Boy’s Little League Baseball Prepared Me for a Career as a Doctor

Heather Sher, MD

May 21, 2018 Link to How Playing Boy’s Little League Baseball Prepared Me for a Career as a Doctor

Read Trump’s Anticipated Title X Gag Rule Is the Latest Attack on Women’s Preventative Healtharticle image

Trump’s Anticipated Title X Gag Rule Is the Latest Attack on Women’s Preventative Health

Heather Sher, MD

May 19, 2018 Link to Trump’s Anticipated Title X Gag Rule Is the Latest Attack on Women’s Preventative Health

Read Advocates in the UK Are Discussing Why #DyingMattersarticle image

Advocates in the UK Are Discussing Why #DyingMatters


May 18, 2018 Link to Advocates in the UK Are Discussing Why #DyingMatters

Read How Being a Psychiatrist Changed My Views on Motherhoodarticle image

How Being a Psychiatrist Changed My Views on Motherhood

Aparna Iyer, MD

May 18, 2018 Link to How Being a Psychiatrist Changed My Views on Motherhood

Read The Lies We Tell — Social Bias, Myths & Blind Spots in Medicine: Part 2article image

The Lies We Tell — Social Bias, Myths & Blind Spots in Medicine: Part 2

Charles Odonkor, MD, MA

May 18, 2018 Link to The Lies We Tell — Social Bias, Myths & Blind Spots in Medicine: Part 2

Read Let’s Change the Rounds Runaroundarticle image

Let’s Change the Rounds Runaround

Eunice Zhang, MD

May 18, 2018 Link to Let’s Change the Rounds Runaround

Read How Do the Arts Prepare You for a Career in Healthcare?article image

How Do the Arts Prepare You for a Career in Healthcare?


May 17, 2018 Link to How Do the Arts Prepare You for a Career in Healthcare?

Read This Urologist Studies Adult Film Entertainers to Solve Sexual Dysfunctionarticle image

This Urologist Studies Adult Film Entertainers to Solve Sexual Dysfunction


May 17, 2018 Link to This Urologist Studies Adult Film Entertainers to Solve Sexual Dysfunction

Read “Progress”article image


Emily Silverman, MD

May 17, 2018 Link to “Progress”

Read I Became a Cancer Patient, but Was Misdiagnosedarticle image

I Became a Cancer Patient, but Was Misdiagnosed

Gary Matsumura, MD

May 17, 2018 Link to I Became a Cancer Patient, but Was Misdiagnosed

Read Cancer Made Me a Mutant — and Proudarticle image

Cancer Made Me a Mutant — and Proud

Adam Stern, MD

May 16, 2018 Link to Cancer Made Me a Mutant — and Proud