Medical Student

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The Double-Edged Sword of Empathy

Neha Sahota

Jul 18, 2024

Read How a Medical Student Taught Me, the Role Modelarticle image

How a Medical Student Taught Me, the Role Model

Kaitlyn Emily Jacobs, DO, MPH

Jul 18, 2024 Link to How a Medical Student Taught Me, the Role Model

Read Navigating 'Paralysis by Analysis' in Medical Schoolarticle image

Navigating 'Paralysis by Analysis' in Medical School

Helia Hosseini

Jul 8, 2024 Link to Navigating 'Paralysis by Analysis' in Medical School

Read Today My Clinical Evaluation Score Was 3/5, and That's OKarticle image

Today My Clinical Evaluation Score Was 3/5, and That's OK

Kayla Steinberger

Jun 10, 2024 Link to Today My Clinical Evaluation Score Was 3/5, and That's OK

Read Bridging the Gap: How Insights from Medicine are Accelerating Biotech Innovationarticle image

Bridging the Gap: How Insights from Medicine are Accelerating Biotech Innovation

Aditya Jain

Jun 3, 2024 Link to Bridging the Gap: How Insights from Medicine are Accelerating Biotech Innovation

Read The 'Trojan Horse' of Medical School Admissionsarticle image

The 'Trojan Horse' of Medical School Admissions

Rajiv Vasudevan, MD

May 28, 2024 Link to The 'Trojan Horse' of Medical School Admissions

Read Who Is Teaching Our Medical Students?article image

Who Is Teaching Our Medical Students?

Adina Harri

May 13, 2024 Link to Who Is Teaching Our Medical Students?

Read 10 Recommendations for Senior Residentsarticle image

10 Recommendations for Senior Residents

Corinne Carland, MD

Apr 29, 2024 Link to 10 Recommendations for Senior Residents

Read The Elephant in the Lab Coatarticle image

The Elephant in the Lab Coat

Aditya Jain

Apr 25, 2024 Link to The Elephant in the Lab Coat

Read Why Poetry Matters in Medicinearticle image

Why Poetry Matters in Medicine

Joy Westerman

Apr 18, 2024 Link to Why Poetry Matters in Medicine

Read 'I Don't Like Doctors'article image

'I Don't Like Doctors'

Alyssa Lambrecht

Apr 11, 2024 Link to 'I Don't Like Doctors'

Read From Textbook Medicine to Bedside Realityarticle image

From Textbook Medicine to Bedside Reality

Lachlan Shiver

Apr 1, 2024 Link to From Textbook Medicine to Bedside Reality

Read The Medical School Lecture That Diagnosed My Patientarticle image

The Medical School Lecture That Diagnosed My Patient

Hunter Scott

Mar 25, 2024 Link to The Medical School Lecture That Diagnosed My Patient

Read How to Do “Enough” in Medical Schoolarticle image

How to Do “Enough” in Medical School

Fae Kayarian

Mar 18, 2024 Link to How to Do “Enough” in Medical School

Read The Medical School Admissions Process Is Falling Shortarticle image

The Medical School Admissions Process Is Falling Short

Michelle Amy Finkel, MD

Mar 5, 2024 Link to The Medical School Admissions Process Is Falling Short

Read Social Media and the Weight of Professionalismarticle image

Social Media and the Weight of Professionalism

Soubhana Asif

Feb 29, 2024 Link to Social Media and the Weight of Professionalism

Read Carrying the Weight of Representation, For My Patients and Colleaguesarticle image

Carrying the Weight of Representation, For My Patients and Colleagues

May Ameri

Feb 20, 2024 Link to Carrying the Weight of Representation, For My Patients and Colleagues

Read 28 Lessons I Learned in Residencyarticle image

28 Lessons I Learned in Residency

Tasia Isbell, MD

Feb 13, 2024 Link to 28 Lessons I Learned in Residency

Read Grading Systems Are Failing Medical Studentsarticle image

Grading Systems Are Failing Medical Students

Forrest Bohler

Feb 5, 2024 Link to Grading Systems Are Failing Medical Students

Read I Competed with My Best Friend in Medical School. It Was My Worst Nightmarearticle image

I Competed with My Best Friend in Medical School. It Was My Worst Nightmare

Arthur Lazarus, MD, MBA

Jan 29, 2024 Link to I Competed with My Best Friend in Medical School. It Was My Worst Nightmare

Read The Art of Eye Contactarticle image

The Art of Eye Contact

Jasmine Haraburda

Jan 18, 2024 Link to The Art of Eye Contact

Read The Frightening Process of Switching Programs Midresidencyarticle image

The Frightening Process of Switching Programs Midresidency

Hailey Roumimper, MD

Jan 17, 2024 Link to The Frightening Process of Switching Programs Midresidency