Sometimes, reading a heavy journal article can be a bit underwhelming. Maybe they have vague claims, or use language that makes your eyes droop. But wouldn’t every journal article based on music be something to sit up and dance to? This week on Twitter, #MusicAsMedLit took off, turning your favorite songs into medical studies.
It started with a call to action and a challenge:
alright #surgtweet people. this weeks challenge is to turn a song title or lyric into a literature reference. Ill start:
— Eric Pauli (@ericpaulimd) March 4, 2018
Swift T et al. Bandaids Dont Fix Bullet Holes: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. J. Trauma Acute Care Surg 2014;52(4);1989-1994.
That got the creative juices of Twitter flowing and gifted us with numerous amazing tweets:
Fray et al. How To Save A Life: Advances In Resuscitation. Resuscitation, 2005. 13 (9) 17-25 #musicasmedlit
— gabriella marie (@WILDestdreams_3) March 5, 2018
Fonsi L, Yankee D. Despacito: Slow Medicine Approach to the Care of the Geriatric Patient. Journal of Geriatric & Palliative Care 2017;1:13 #musicasmedlit #despacito @LuisFonsi
— Patricia Martinez (@PMartinezMD) March 5, 2018
Jagger M. Et al. Paint it black: tattooing GI lesions for easier identification during laparoscopic resection. Annals of Surgery. 1966 11(5); 324-329 #musicasmedlit
— John Rodriguez (@johnrodriguezMD) March 5, 2018
U2. Sunday, Bloody Sunday: Weekend OR Staffing and Surgical Outcomes. JACS. 1983;50(4); 500-512. #musicasmedlit
— Casey Glass (@TheCaseyGlass) March 5, 2018
McCartney, Paul and Lennon, John for the BEATLES Study Group. Good Day Sunshine: a randomized multicenter trial of light therapy for seasonal affective disorder. JAMA. 1967; 32 (8) 206-217.#musicasmedlit #musicasmedilit
— Chris Horn (@ChrisHornMD) March 5, 2018
Newton-John, O. Physical: Current Recommendations for Preventive Care and Screenings. Preventive Medicine. 1981 91 (8) 65-74 #musicasmedlit
— gabriella marie (@WILDestdreams_3) March 5, 2018
Maclean AJ, Carter N, Littrell B et al. Quit playing games with my heart: A-Fib, SVT and other arrhythmias. J. Am Cardio 1996; 16(8); 1983-2018. #musicasmedlit
— Lindsey Joyce (@LindseyJoyce83) March 5, 2018
Lennox, A. Sweet dreams are made of these: A comprehensive review of insomnia management. Journal of Sleep Medicine, 1983 14(2):23-45.#musicasmedlit
— Dr. Francisco Garcia (@drfjgarcia) March 5, 2018
Hoppus M, DeLonge T, Barker T. All the small things: immediate and long-term psychological effects of breast- and penile-enhancement surgery. Journal of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2001:2(2); 133-144. #musicasmedlit
— Ben Freeman (@lald6103) March 5, 2018
John, E, et al. Can You Feel The Love Tonight: The Role of Oxytocin In Interpersonal Relationships. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 1994;23(10);1003-1008.#musicasmedlit
— Nik Theyyunni (@HeyDrNik) March 5, 2018
Travota J and Newton-John O. You're the one that I want: getting into a residency program. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development 1978:3;170-178. #musicasmedlit
— Eric Pauli (@ericpaulimd) March 5, 2018
Lewis JL. Great Balls of Fire: a modern approach to managing orchalgia. The Journal of Urology 1957:8(2);401-411. #musicasmedlit
— Eric Pauli (@ericpaulimd) March 5, 2018
Aday, ML. I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that: exploring barriers to vasectomies. Journal of Urology 1993; 22(1)26-27.#musicasmedlit
— Dr. Francisco Garcia (@drfjgarcia) March 5, 2018
Lauper C et al. Girls Just wanna be promoted to full professor. A longitudinal study of gender bias in academic surgery. @AnnalsofSurgery 2018; 267(1);121-28. @WomenSurgeons #musicasmedlit
— Nancy Baxter MD (@enenbee) March 5, 2018
Springsteen et al. Born in the USA: Epidemiological trends in American infant mortality. Am J Ob Gyn 1984
— Mike Craig ____ (@mikegcraig) March 6, 2018
Jepsen CR. Call Me Maybe - Frequency of Communication Related Task Interruptions in the Emergency Department. JEM. 2012 #musicasmedlit
— Casey Glass (@TheCaseyGlass) March 6, 2018
Leppard, D et al. Pour Some Sugar On Me: A study on the relationship between diabetes mellitus type II and relationship status. Journal of Endocrinology. 1987;62(5);372-400.
— Student Dr. BabyFace (@DrBabyFace7) March 6, 2018
Shakira et al. Hips Don't Lie: Diagnosis and Management of Developmental Dysplasias. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2005 12 (5) 12-17 #musicasmedlit
— gabriella marie (@WILDestdreams_3) March 6, 2018
Twain, Shania et al. Man I feel like a woman: Outcomes following gender confirmation surgery among a cohort of transgender women. J Gay and Lesbian Med Assn 1997; 41(2). #musicasmedlit
— OB/GaYN (@OBGaYN) March 6, 2018
Cyrus BR. Achy Breaky Heart: Physical and Mental Triggers of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. Circulation 2013; 72(5); 356-360 #musicasmedlit
— Thomas Morris (@thomasngmorris) March 6, 2018
Astley, R. Never Gonna Give You Up: Helping Families with End of Life Decisions in the ICU. J. Thanatology 1987; 27(5-7) #MusicAsMedLit
— Rob Carr (@robcarrphoto) March 6, 2018
Pepa, Salt-N. Push it: A review of bedside Hernia reduction techniques. Emergency Med. 1986(3): 78-79. #musicasmedlit
— Katelin Mirkin (@KatelinAMirkin) March 6, 2018
What song would you make into a study? Leave your idea in the comments below!