As more and more women choose to tell their stories, hold their abusers accountable, and fight for justice, a poignant hashtag has taken Twitter by storm. #MeToo has empowered women (and men) from all walks of life to share their personal and moving stories about their experiences with sexual harassment and abuse.
It likely comes as no surprise to most clinicians that the medical field is not exempt or removed from the verbal harassment, sexual misconduct, and sexual abuse that occurs against women across all professions.
Inspired by #MeToo, a new hashtag has emerged — #MeTooMedicine.
We can no longer tolerate #SexualHarassment in medicine#MeTooMedicine
— Heather Logghe, MD (@LoggheMD) November 4, 2017
To solve a problem, it must first be visible#SheLeads2017 #SpeakUp pic.twitter.com/iLW5KPzWi6
Was a med student in small community hospital. Orthopedic attending wondering outloud in OR whether I’m sexually experienced #MeTooMedicine
— Rommaan S. Ahmad, DO (@RAhmadDO) November 5, 2017
I was assaulted in residency by a physician that had assaulted a physician before me & after me.
— Claudia William, MD (@DrCSWilliam) November 8, 2017
Each victim pursued legal action & reported to the program. Was considered hearsay by program.
2 assaults could have possibly been prevented.#MeTooMedicine
Despite widespread harassment faced by #WomenInMedicine , I am hopeful that #MeTooMedicine movement is the first step towards a larger cultural change by acknowledging & addressing the problem #ZeroTolerance #WeWillSpeak #ILookLikeASurgeon #HeForShe
— Apoorve (@apoorvenayyar) November 20, 2017
#MeTooMedicine Internist on rounds meets my student eyes then looks down & up my body. He says openly,"You should wear a dress more often." https://t.co/qKsJfvqQMW
— Kim Kelly, MD (@KimKellyMD) November 6, 2017
#MeTooMedicine is more than about physical assault: sexist comments, creating hostile environment, obstruct career adv, stealing data, etc
— Hina Chaudhry, MD (@Hinaheartdoc) November 19, 2017
Must confront #MeToo #MeTooMedicine in all settings, including health care. Cannot happen without more #HeForShe advocates speaking up! #DoctorsSpeakOut
— Michael Sinha MD JD (@DrSinhaEsq) November 8, 2017
Silence = Complicity https://t.co/mB5p8r92Dk
Rape should not be part of medical education. Period. Med schools must back up commitment with resources.#MeTooMedicine https://t.co/Dj8ei96MIF
— Heather Logghe, MD (@LoggheMD) November 8, 2017
#MeToo #MeTooMedicine #ILookLikeASurgeon #HeForShe #WeWillNotStop #EndHarassment #ZeroTolerance @WomenSurgeons #BetterTogether pic.twitter.com/nQlFbYGRE5
— Apoorve (@apoorvenayyar) November 18, 2017