Thousands of plastic surgeons recently flocked to the Big Apple to attend the largest professional meeting for aesthetic medicine—The Aesthetic Meeting, hosted by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS).
__We’re back from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s annual Aesthetic Meeting in NYC! We had a great time learning about advances in #PlasticSurgery, and even got to visit beautiful __Central Park! #TeamMiller #ASAPS18 pic.twitter.com/4qvUM32dyi
— Scott R. Miller (@DrScottRMiller) May 9, 2018
At #ASAPS18 #boardcertified #plasticsurgeons and #dermatologists came together to discuss out-of-the-box techniques, future #technologies, and treatments that have yet to become mainstream. Find out what was covered – https://t.co/Xva6sBTh65 #WeAreAesthetics #TheAestheticSociety pic.twitter.com/S6ypAdQm3x
— Aesthetic Society (@ASAPS) May 10, 2018
Great keynote conversation with @brentlsaunders from @Allergan our inaugural AIS. "We're at a special moment in time. The fact that we are doing a meeting like this for the first time shows you how young this marketplace is." #attendais #asaps18
— Aesthetic Summit (@AIS_Summit) April 25, 2018
There was a new emphasis on lifelong learning for the profession…
With other members of the American Board of #plasticsurgery. Excited to be part of “life-long learning” , a new paradigm in the ABPS. #ASAPS18 pic.twitter.com/GD3EJk1mXW
— Heather Furnas, MD (@drheatherfurnas) May 1, 2018
…and ASAPS honored plastic surgeons who are influential on social media.
Speaking of the top #SoMe influencers in #PlasticSurgery. congrats to these top 20 w/ article by newly inducted @ASAPS president @DrGrantStevens https://t.co/kB9FfkQOuk @drroykim @NahaiDr @drheatherfurnas @drpacocanales @OlivierBranford #ASAPS18 pic.twitter.com/KwXuAPCh9V
— Aesthetic Surgery J (@ASJrnl) April 30, 2018
As for trending clinical topics, there was a strong emphasis on less surgery…
17.5 million #PlasticSurgery procedures. #ASPS president Jeffrey Janis, MD comments on the “staggering rise” on #noninvasive technology being used #CosmeticSurgery #doyourhomework #surgtweeting https://t.co/XXzKdn2WdF
— Dr Tiffany Grunwald (@GrunwaldTiffany) May 9, 2018
#ASPS_ President Jeffrey Janis MD, gives insight on the Society's 2017 statistics on popular surgeries, including the rise of noninvasive technologies. https://t.co/ehVyI3HOUJ @ASPS_News #PlasticSurgery #CosmeticSurgery
— Dr Minas Chrysopoulo (@drchrysopoulo) May 9, 2018
Responsible plastic surgeons need to be able to say “NO”. Patients ask for inappropriate procedure,may have unrealistic expectations,or maybe the surgeon isn’t comfortable with the procedure they want. #plasticsurgery #aestheticsociety #asaps #asps #boardcertified pic.twitter.com/OOVPxOfzGh
— Matthew Schulman MD (@nycplasticsurg) May 7, 2018
….as well as patient satisfaction.
Great @facebook live with @DrRodRohrich @drheatherfurnas @lambrosone on connecting with the public about #patientsafety in #plasticsurgery #ASAPS18 pic.twitter.com/LNHnRrgjW4
— Dr. Paco Canales (@drpacocanales) April 29, 2018
Attendees seemed to gain the most from sessions about skin grafting, facelifts, fillers, rejuvenation and other common procedures.
Our fellow, Dr. David Lee, presenting on our experience with drainless abdominoplasty and concomitant fat grafting to buttocks #ASAPS2018 pic.twitter.com/Z0RK26ULAA
— Dr. Luis Macias (@DrLuisMacias) April 30, 2018
Great Facelift panel this morning with presentations by Dr Daniel Baker and Dr Foad Nahi and moderated by Dr James Stuzin. #ASAPS2018 #PlasticSurgery #EducationMatters #GivingBack #CuttingEdge2018
— Dr. Sherrell Aston (@DoctorAston) April 28, 2018
Watching ASJ Editorial Board member Dr. Ivona Percec present on facial dynamics and dermal fillers at #ASAPS18 pic.twitter.com/X0xsu8MJp4
— Hunter Alexander (@hunter_alexan) April 29, 2018
ICYMI Hottest #hottopics ever @ASAPS @DrGrantStevens -- 5 hours #standingroomonly
— Modern Aesthetics (@ModAesthetics) April 27, 2018
Novel neuromodulators, insights on deaths from #brazilianbuttlifts, sage counsel on #BI-ALCL #Threadlift renaissance #skincare advances @DefenAge @AlastinSkincare #feminine rejuvenation pic.twitter.com/lgnUpQdVPL
Notably, social media (specifically Snapchat) was a clinical topic, too…
Dr. Schulman discusses “Snapchat Dysmorphia”....yep, it’s a thing. As one of the most popular plastic surgeons on Snapchat, he knows all about it. https://t.co/3hzS8UzRtQ #asps #asaps #plasticsurgery
— Matthew Schulman MD (@nycplasticsurg) February 24, 2018
That’s a wrap for The Aesthetic Meeting 2018!