We all know that nurses are the eyes and ears of medicine, the thankless army that picks up the details that others may miss and uses their experience to nudge us in the right direction. Nurses Week 2018, started with a Twitter call for your best stories about that one time (of many) that #ANurseSavedMyArse. See below for a collection of our favorites, and share your own story in the comments!
All right, docs, let’s hear it: one time #ANurseSavedMyArse
— Esther Choo (@choo_ek) May 7, 2018
Mine: about to d/c a chronic inebriate. Experienced nurse cocks her head, says, “I’m feeling a set of labs on this one, Choo.” Acute renal failure, needed dialysis.
Happy Nurses’ Week to my awesome colleagues! https://t.co/rUx3aUyIJo
They make us look good.
Everyday! Just this morning: found a really low hemoglobin I overlooked, texted my nurse, before I even got to the office she had the patient set up for transfusion. Makes me look good and keeps patients happy! #ANurseSavedMyArse
— drlortab (@drlortab) May 7, 2018
And truly save lives.
I got 2.
— David Caldicott (@ACTINOSProject) May 7, 2018
Triage Nurse Shelley noticed returned backpacker from Poland had a strange rash on his hand and was a little ‘off’.
GCS 15 to 6 in 20 minutes- meningococcal meningitis.
Door to ABX, t=12mins.
And my missus, who saves me from me, every day of my life.#ANurseSavedMyArse
ICU nurse called & said her gut feeling says, "patient is going to crash". I assess the patient & patient looks fine. ICU nurses are usually right, so I work on notes right next to the room. 20 minutes later, patient starts crashing, & I'm right there. #ANurseSavedMyArse
— Roxana Daneshjou (@RoxanaDaneshjou) May 7, 2018
"You know that pt you discharged 15min ago?" the RN asked.
— Sarah Giles (@SarahGiles10) May 8, 2018
"Yes. Why?"
"I think she's going into anaphylactic shock," said the nurse.
"How is she still here?" I asked, thankful that the woman wasn't driving.
"I had a gut feeling," #ANurseSavedMyArse
— Peter Elias (@pheski) May 7, 2018
More important, she saved the patient!
As newly minted PCP I was first assisting elderly surgeon at hysterectomy. He struggled in vain to close, gave up, told me to close while he did post-op orders. Walked out. Scrub nurse calmly talked me thru closing.
They’re especially helpful when we’re still in training.
I was a new third year medical student on the surgery rotation. My attending was notorious for being hypercritical. You took the time to give me tips on what he looked for in presentations while teaching me how to place a Foley. Thank you! #ANurseSavedMyArse https://t.co/ZGkRikxUyM
— PettyHomoSoontobeMD (@PettyHomoMS4) May 7, 2018
3rd year, first clinical rotation (IM), visiting a pt on comfort care with his family when he rapidly and peacefully expired. RN happened to be in the room with his next dose of pain meds and calmly paged my intern while I stood there tearful and useless. #ANurseSavedMyArse https://t.co/M75zK63WMB
— Dave Toffey (@davetoffey) May 7, 2018
What's your story?
— Nikhil Jain (@J_N1k) May 7, 2018
The time #ANurseSavedMyArse, when the physician yelled at me for not showing up on time to a 2 AM delivery in Labor & Delivery, and then having a vasovagal episode because of the stress. Never got her name, but she stood up for me! https://t.co/IffxyH4l5j
#ANurseSavedMyArse happens so MUCH for medical trainees--how about placing my first peripheral IV? The nurse managed to teach me while making it seem like I already knew what I was doing so the patient wouldn't be concerned. Would not have gone smoothly without her. https://t.co/QmUeXyD9dS
— Kristin Puhl (@kristinpuhl) May 8, 2018
First week neurosurgery residency. Middle of night, called about pt with bradycardia. Me: frantically flipping through basic ACLS pocket booklet “Umm...maybe we should...give atropine?” Experienced neuro RN: withering look “Maybe we should SCAN his HEAD??” #ANurseSavedMyArse https://t.co/ACIARYWPeq
— Gwynedd Pickett (@gpsforthebrain) May 8, 2018
And catch our mistakes.
I wrote filgrastim (drug to increase leukocytes) for a neutropenic Pt but the spelling I wrote was 4a brand of ATG (Anti leukocyte-would decrease leukocytes further)->nurse called->I sounded irritated - she persisted and said she won’t give till I check again #ANurseSavedMyArse
— Garima Aggarwal (@gag_aggarwal) May 7, 2018
— RN____ (@codequeenRN) May 7, 2018
I went into the ED in full blown anaphylaxis July 5th. Rapidly losing my airway, trying to explain I needed epi. I was 14, it just looked like angioedema. New doc trying to ask assessment questions, nurse runs out of the room, brings back the entire team.
Intern at Bara.
— Alastair McAlpine (@AlastairMcA30) May 8, 2018
Septic baby requiring IV medication to keep the heart going. Drip came out. I tried 3 times to resite but blood pressure dropping fast. Panic.
Nurse casually slips a cannula into arm. Baby survived.#ANurseSavedMyArse
All while providing comfort and care.
Ottawa - I gave bad news to a patient's spouse as she was dying. I asked if there were any questions. I gently asked again. He shook his head slowly. After, the nurse let me know he didn't understand a word I said...(she'd already called the translator). #ANurseSavedMyArse https://t.co/yR6Ng8vFsA
— Sharon Bal (@SharonBal8) May 8, 2018
Intern year. She sat with me as I told his daughter he’d died. His daughter whom I told he’d be okay. She hugged me & told me what I needed to hear—that it wasn’t my fault. #ANurseSavedMyArse not once, but many times. Thank you all for everything you do! Happy #NationalNursesWeek
— Sharon Vorona (@sharonvorona) May 8, 2018
Make sure you thank a hardworking nurse today! Happy Nurses Week!
My #TipsForNewDocs and medical students is always: if you want to save lives, listen to the nurses. They are with the patient way more than any of us docs are. Can't even keep track of all the times the nurse saved the patient. #nursesappreciationweek #ANurseSavedMyArse
— Roxana Daneshjou (@RoxanaDaneshjou) May 7, 2018
If I tweeted about every time #ANurseSavedMyArse twitter's servers would blow up! :D Happy #NursesWeek2018 everyone!
— Happy Doc Summer Camp (@HappyDocEvents) May 7, 2018