It happens. You’ve left work and you’re somewhere where you’d hate to be when you are paged — so of course, you are. We asked our members what is the weirdest place they’ve been and or activity they’ve been doing when they received a page.
“Was stuck in the elevator a few years ago when my trauma surgery pager went off. I called a co-resident who was covering general surgery that night and he ran down to the trauma bay to help out.”
“While getting an abdominal ultrasound to check on my twins post call. I was half asleep so my MFM doc answered it for me. He was awesome!”
“Once I was at a U2 concert, once at a rugby match (watching the New Zealand All Blacks!). When I did locums in New Zealand I was in the middle of a hike on a mountain with a beautiful view of a water volcano. I also was paged once while running along Lake Shore Drive in Chicago training for a half marathon.”
“I had taken the day off to take my kids to Disney for the last day of school. I was in line at the Epcot Star Wars launch pad when I got called by a colleague. The patient was critically ill and they wanted my input. The mom and baby ended up doing well but “Kylo Ren” glared at me because I dared to be on the phone. He was scary….”
“I may have been paged out of a few bad dates __”
“In the same patient room as the nurse who was paging me.”
— Family Medicine
“Pap smear.”
— Nephrologist
Like crazy stories? Check out our members’ most bizarre work lunches.