Medical specialties and subspecialties exist for a reason — everyone has something they’re an expert in. While there can sometimes be animosity between specialties or doctors, at the end of the day it’s a collective effort to keep patients healthy. On Twitter, one user is trying to start a thread of “Thank You” tweets for specialists. Check out some of the gratitude-filled tweets below.
Wondering whether we need a new type of medical tweet:
— Trisha Elliott (@Trisha_the_doc) July 17, 2018
Dear specialist,
I actually think you are quite awesome sometimes. I’m glad there are different types of docs in medicine. We all bring something a little different to the party!
Dear Med Reg/team I’m sorry you’re ward ends up as a dumping ground sometimes but you seem to always be there for everybody- you are an amazing team and we have the uttermost respect for you - thank you ED Reg
— DrAnnaKB (@annakirbybailey) July 18, 2018
Dear ER doc, thanks for doing absolutely everything for every patient we don't know what to do with or don't want to deal with at every hour of every day
— The D.o.C. (@thinkstat) July 24, 2018
Dear Nurse,
— Michael Elliott (@michaelpaul31) July 24, 2018
How can I ever repay thee?
Yours truly,
MDs everywhere
Dear EM doc,
— Katie Wiskar (@katiewiskar) July 23, 2018
Thank you for dealing with the craziness of the ED, for sending so many people home, and for catching the ones that need to stay in hospital.
Happy to tag in and look after the people who are sick and need to be admitted.
Internal Medicine https://t.co/lJrZ04FBYK
Dear Internal Medicine doc,
— Philip Munro (@drgonzomunro) July 24, 2018
Thanks for taking all those complex things we cannot (annoyingly) send home, not skipping the details and knowing how to sort out complex ongoing treatment regimes that our short attention spans are ill suited for. Much respect. EM.
Dear inpatient doc: thanks for understanding that I’m trying my best. Some patients need admission. And sometimes I haven’t quite made out the exact diagnosis. Thanks for being a team! — EM
— Kori Hudson MD (@hudson_kori) July 24, 2018
Dear radiologists,
— Chang Na MD MPH (@cna006) July 24, 2018
Thanks for sitting in the dark all day & answering questions by phone/in person. Often, my discussions with you leads me to expand/narrow my differentials, and I appreciate the teaching pearls every day.
Dear preventive medicine doctors, Thank you for educating people and communities and promote healthy habits. You are doing the medicine of the future !
— Martha Garcia (@mego17) July 24, 2018
Dear primary care doc,
— Single Scalpel (@SingleScalpel) July 23, 2018
Thank you for keeping patients healthy and doing stuff I don’t know how to do!
Scalpel https://t.co/2OUUiKpFFu
Dear orthopedics,
— Gabriel Blecher (@gabyblech) July 24, 2018
Thanks for putting together those fractures that I cannot.
Kind regards,
Emergency Medicine
Dear surgeon,
— Heather Paladine (@paladineh) July 23, 2018
Thank you for coming to see a hospital consult late on a Friday night when we were really worried about a patient.
Family Medicine Inpatient Team
Thanks @Trisha_the_doc for this thread!
Thanks to my amazing charge nurse who keeps the insanity of the ER under control, lights a fire under transport when a pt. needs imaging, does the tough sticks, keeps the PGY's in line, tells me when a pt. needs stat orders, and generally keeps me sane. YOU ROCK!
— DHozerMD (@dlindgrenmd) July 24, 2018
Thanks to our patient dietician who worked out that the unexplained hyperkaliaemia of my CKD patient is explained by his 30 tomatoes a day habit.
— Held der Arbeit #FBFR #NHS (@HeldinEU) July 24, 2018
And of course, the unseen backbone of the hospital gets a shout out as well:
Dear Hospital Housekeepers,
— Juliana (@KruegerKitty) July 23, 2018